
We all require assistance in understanding our energies and discerning their purpose in our lives.

Understanding our inner energies and their direction in life is a universal quest. The guidance provided by Red Book Astrology offers invaluable insights into deciphering our life’s purpose, helping us align with our true path and potential. With its wisdom, we can navigate our journey with clarity and purpose, unlocking a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

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Know Red Book/Lal Kitab Astrology

It is also known as “Lal Kitab Astrology” in Hindi/Urdu language because of the distinctive red cover of the Red Book, a book containing the principles and practices of this astrology system.It is remarkably popular in India because of its astrology system and its associated remedies.

Red Book/Lal Kitab is a remarkable branch of Vedic astrology. Collection of the 5 books, written during the period of 1939-1952 is called Red Book/Lal Kitab. Written in ancient Urdu/Arabic language, first time in the history of astrology, Red Book/Lal Kitab introduced a new style of horoscope analysis with quick and affordable remedies. The books were written by Pandit Roop Chand Joshi.


The Red Book/Lal Kitab system also emphasizes the concept of karma, which pertains to the actions and deeds of an individual. It is believed that a person’s positive and negative actions influence their present and future life. Therefore, Red Book/Lal Kitab astrology offers remedies for planetary afflictions aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of past karma and enhancing future prospects.

Traditional astrology primarily focuses on predicting the future, whereas the Red Book/Lal Kitab not only predicts but also provides remedies to alleviate negative occurrences in life. While traditional astrology tends to be more theoretical, the Red Book/Lal Kitab is practical, aiming to resolve life problems by balancing one’s energies through simple and quick remedies.

Red Book/Lal Kitab Astrology emphasizes practical remedies that can be easily implemented in daily life. These remedies can help to reduce the negative effects of planetary afflictions and improve overall well-being.

Red Book/Lal Kitab astrology analyzes the planetary positions in a person’s birth chart to gain insights into their personality, potential obstacles, and future prospects. The Red Book/Lal Kitab system emphasizes Chart Houses/Bhavas and the positions of planets in them in a unique way, rather than considering the Zodiacs/Rashis as in traditional astrology.

The energies of weak or afflicting planets are balanced by performing remedies.

Every planet possesses energies associated with various aspects. For instance, Jupiter’s energy signifies saints, the elderly, split chickpeas lentil, higher education, liver, oxygen, and more. When an individual’s Jupiter is afflicted or weak, it may result in issues related to elders, liver health, oxygen levels in the body, and hinder higher education. To balance Jupiter’s energy, one can offer items associated with Jupiter’s energy as donations or place them in specific locations.

These remedies are easy and quick. For example, to improve Jupiter’s energy, you can offer Split Chickpeas lentils in a temple or any place of worship.

Lal Kitab remedies encompass a wide range of practices aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of planetary afflictions and enhancing positive influences in one’s life. These remedies often involve simple and practical actions that individuals can perform. Some common Lal Kitab remedies include:

1. Donating Items: Offering items related to specific planets or deities is a common practice. For example, donating yellow-colored items or sweets on Thursdays for Jupiter.

2. Placing Items: Flowing items related to specific planets or deities into flowing water/river or burying them in the ground or placing them in a particular area.

3. Changing Lifestyle: Changing lifestyle habits such as altering our dietary preferences to align with planetary influences, determining suitable colors to wear and those to avoid, etc.

4. Charity and Service: Engaging in acts of charity or service, such as feeding animals or helping the needy, is believed to neutralize negative karma and attract positive energy.

5. Feeding Birds & other Animals: Feeding birds, especially grains like sesame seeds or rice, is believed to appease certain planetary energies and bring prosperity.

6. Seeking Blessings: Seeking blessings from elders, saints, or spiritual guides is believed to bring positive vibrations and guidance in life.

These remedies are often recommended based on an individual’s birth chart and the specific planetary positions affecting them. It’s important to consult with a knowledgeable astrologer before adopting any Red Book/Lal Kitab remedy to ensure its appropriateness and effectiveness for one’s unique circumstances.

How Our Consultation Works?

Want to Learn Red Book/Lal Kitab Astrology?

We can help you with


Career & Finances

We offer guidance on aligning your skills with professions that suit your inherent talents and suggest favorable times for starting businesses or making investments.


Love & Relationships

We interpret planetary placements to identify potential challenges or strengths in your relationships, offering guidance for navigating them.


Personal Growth & Well-being

We can reveal aspects of your personality that may be holding you back. By understanding your strengths and weaknesses, you can work towards personal growth.


Decision Making

Red Book Astrology can be used to identify upcoming astrological transits that might influence your decision-making process.


Uncovering Hidden Potential

Your birth chart can hold clues about hidden talents or unexplored avenues in your life. We help you recognize these potentials leading to a more fulfilling life.


Understanding Life Challenges

Difficult periods are inevitable. Red Book Astrology can offer insight into potential challenges you may face and suggest ways to overcome them with more resilience.


Life Purpose & Direction

We can analyze your chart to identify themes related to your life purpose, offering guidance on aligning your actions with your inherent goals and motivations.


Spiritual Development

By understanding the planetary influences on your chart, you may gain insights into your spiritual path and how to connect with your higher self.


What Clients Are Saying

"After experiencing a turbulent phase in my life, I turned to the red book remedies. Surprisingly, within weeks of implementing the remedies, I noticed a significant positive shift in my circumstances. Grateful beyond words!"

Sarah Wilson

"I was fed up of going to every kind of treatments and changing so many doctors, but not getting the right treatment but then he acknowledged my situation himself, gave me some advice & remedies which worked. Thankfully I found the right treatment."

James Baker

"Skeptical at first, I reluctantly tried these remedies as a last resort. To my amazement, the simple remedies gave remarkable results, healing my condition. Highly recommended!"

Jason White

"I've always believed in the power of energy and positivity, but red book remedies took it to a whole new level. The changes I've experienced in my personal and professional life are nothing short of magical."

Meera Shah

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